
We are improving our Analytics. As a result, analytics such as inflows and outflows are temporarily incomplete.

Stacking DAO Analytics

Dive deep into the world of Stacking DAO. Learn more about TVL, our fast growth since launch, and the Stacking DAO Signer network.

Total Rewards

The total amount of rewards paid out


Current amount of STX deployed in stSTX

stSTXbtc TVL

Current amount of STX deployed in stSTXbtc

Native Stacking TVL

Current amount of STX natively stacked

Stacking DAO Stats

Stacked TVL
Idle TVL
stSTX Holders

Stacks Proof-of-Transfer Stats

Cycle #
Total Stacked
Cycle Days Left
Bitcoin Blocks Left in Cycle
Total rewards
Net inflow for this cycle

Stacking DAO Stats per cycle

Every Stacks consensus cycle, Stacking DAO stacks deposited STX to earn rewards for stSTX holders. See the cycle overview below.

Net inflow
Total stacked

Stacking DAO Signers

Stacking DAO delegates STX that backs stSTX to Signers on the Stacks network. Any STX delegated remains in control of Stacking DAO smart contracts, enabling users to permissionlessly withdraw their STX from the protocol any time.

Signers are institutional grade node operators who perform validating functions on the Stacks blockchain and generate yield for the holders of stSTX.


Become a Signer on Stacking DAO

Contact us to learn more about the Signer programme at Stacking DAO. We work with institutional grade signers to improve Stacks network security for all users.